Blog April 9, 2020

Happening Online: April 2020

Each month, we bring you the up-to-date list of community and special events happening across the Eastside in cities like Kirkland, Bellevue, and Redmond, and despite our current state of affairs we’re feeling the importance of connection, now more than ever. So, during these strange quarantimes, we’ve put together an online/virtual events calendar that offers a little something for everyone:


April 07: Virtual Story Time with Librarian Sharon

April 01-12: Google Hangout with Crucible Brewing

April 15-17: Cadence: Video Poetry Festival

April 01-30: Virtual Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

April 05-26: Sunday Sound Stream

April 06-27: Garth Brooks Livestream

April 01-30: Piano Livestream from Canlis

April 01-30: Velocity Dance Center Online Classes

April 01-30: Levar Burton Reading Rainbow Live!

April 02-30: Goodnight with Dolly Parton

April 01-30: National Geographic Expert Discussions

April 01-30: Online Cooking Classes